Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Idea #56

Ron and Veronica are sitting on the couch holding hands at their third session of couples therapy. Things have been better at home for them since the dream (see Idea #38).

Dr. Skinner
You guys seem happier.

We are.

Dr. Skinner
Does that mean Ron gave up scotch?


Dr. Skinner
But last time we talked about-

Veronica and I discussed it on the way home that day. I don't need to give up scotch. Right, Peach Pocket?

It's true. I was being unreasonable.

Dr. Skinner
This is all very healthy. I'm impressed.
I guess you won't be needing to come in anymore.

Dr. Skinner gives the "one second" sign as the last statement made him choke up a little.

Are you ok, Doctor?

Dr. Skinner
I'm fine. I just-

It's ok. Let it out.

Dr. Skinner
(breaking down)
Why does everyone leave me? 

Ron and Veronica look at each other confused.

Dr. Skinner
First, it was my parents. Then, my wife.
(mimicking her)
"Oh, you're going to tell couples what to do? That's rich."
(normal voice)

Doctor, I-

Dr. Skinner
You shut up! I had to sit here and listen to your stupid, little problems with this-this great man!
(mimicking Veronica)
"I don't want to have sex. I don't want him to drink."
(normal voice)
It's called being a man!

Now, Doc, I don't like your tone.

Dr. Skinner
Oh, the big anchorman doesn't like my tone. I've always hated your voice.

Veronica gasps. Ron stands up.

Ron has a beautiful voice.

(stands up)
Come on, Sweet Tart, let's go before I punch this man in the head.

Ron and Veronica go to exit the room. Then, there is a slow clapping. They turn around to see Dr. Skinner with a pleasant disposition doing the applauding.

Dr. Skinner
Congratulations. You passed the test.

Excuse me?

Dr. Skinner
I wanted to see if you would truly stick by each other. As I yelled out things, you didn't take offense as individuals. You took offense as a couple. This will be your last session.

What about the crying?

Dr. Skinner
I did a little acting in college.

It shows.

Dr. Skinner

Then, your wife-

Dr. Skinner
Never been married.

Wow! That's astonishing! Bravo, Doctor. Bravo. What about my voice?

Dr. Skinner
It's like a full body massage for the whole city. Now, you two be good. I don't want to see you around here anymore.

Ron and Veronica leave pleased.

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