Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Idea #19

Brick Tamland takes up worshipping Poseidon when he can't make sense of how a trident appeared out of nowhere during the news team rumble. Feeling his duty as a weatherman is to not only report but to stop the impending hurricane (see Idea #7), he sets out to quell Poseidon's wrath. Ron finds Brick in the parking lot outside the news studio holding a miniature pony, filling a kiddie pool with a hose, and singing a paean.

What are you doing, Brick?

I'm going to drown this horse so the storm goes away.

I don't think that's a good idea.

Do you know another way to make Poseidon happy?

Off the top of my head, you can build him a temple or have a Panhellenic festival. By the way, that kiddie pool is overflowing.

You're right. This was stupid.

Brick. Look at me. First, you really have to turn off that hose. Second, I don't know another weatherman that would resort to animal sacrifice to make it nice out. You, my friend, are great.

Thanks, Ron.

Sure thing. Now, let's go return that pony.

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