Monday, June 30, 2008

Idea #38

Ron is passed out as a result of holding his breath in defiance at couples therapy (see Idea #32). He has the following dream:

Ron is walking around a carnival. He comes upon a dunk tank that is not filled with water but filled with scotch. Veronica, dressed like a sexy clown, sits on the suspended seat. The target is Dr. Skinner with his face painted to be a bullseye. A bucket of balls appear at Ron's feet along with a rocks glass.

Sexy Clown Veronica
Hey, Ron. Don't bother trying. You have a limp noodle arm to match the limp noodle in your pants.

How could you say that?

Sexy Clown Veronica
I'm just stating facts. As you would say,
(in her best Ron Burgundy voice)
"It's science."

That's a terrible impression.

Bullseye Skinner
She's just role playing Ron. This is healthy.

Stay out of this, Doctor!

Bullseye Skinner
Ron, how does it make you feel to have a limp noodle in your pants?


Ron screams, picks up a ball, and throws it at Bullseye Skinner but misses. Bullseye Skinner and Sexy Clown Veronica both laugh.

Sexy Clown Veronica
Told you, Doctor.

Sexy Clown Veronica makes a motion with her pinkie. Bullseye Skinner looks over and keeps laughing. Ron looks down to realize he's not wearing any pants. He covers himself up and throws another ball. It hits Bullseye Skinner but nothing happens.

Sexy Clown Veronica
Not hard enough. As usual.

You're a whore.

Sexy Clown Veronica
I'm only a whore because I have to go elsewhere to get it.

Ron throws another ball and hits Sexy Clown Veronica in the face. She falls into the scotch unconscious. Ron sees that she's not moving and runs over to the dunk tank to get her but the walls of the tank extend up to the sky. There's no way in. Ron grabs a stool and slams it against the side of the tank but it merely bounces off. Ron notices a tap at the base of the tank. He gets the rocks glass and starts filling it. He drinks the scotch as fast as he can.

I'm coming, Flower!

He can't drink it fast enough. A dog bowl appears at his feet.

What am I going to do with-

Baxter barks in the distance as Ron turns around to see his beloved canine friend running towards him. He fills the dog bowl from the tap. Baxter and Ron continue to drink the scotch feverishly. The scotch level comes down with the help of a now inebriated Baxter. Soon, Sexy Clown Veronica is lying at the bottom of the tank.

I love you, Veronica! Don't leave me!

Bullseye Skinner
Let her go, Ron.

No! Veronica, I love you!

Bullseye Skinner
Ron. Ron.

We dissolve back to Dr. Skinner's office.

Dr. Skinner
Ron, can you hear me?

(waking up)
I love you, Veronica! Don't leave me!

Ron, I'm here.

What happened?

It doesn't matter. I love you.

I drank all the scotch and saved your clown life.

Ok, Ron. One thing though.


Can you put your pants back on?

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Idea #37

Ron and Veronica banter on the news about the wedding of Charles and Diana.

That wedding was just beautiful.

Yes, like a fairy tale. Call it a hunch, though. I don't think they're going to last.

Ron, that's a terrible thing to say. We here at the World News wish them many happy years together.

And the "On Air" light goes off.

It's just a feeling. If you got a time machine and went far into the future, I bet you would find out that they didn't make it.

What is your problem with marriage?

Ron tilts his head and looks off screen. The image dissolves to a young Ron (about 7) fishing with his dad, Papa Burgundy.

Papa, I can't wait to be older and married like you.

Papa Burgundy
Son, this is important. One day you'll find a girl-

Like Mommy?

Papa Burgundy
Hopefully not.

What's wrong with Mommy?

Papa Burgundy
This is a fishing trip. We don't have that kind of time. Getting back to marriage. It may seem like the thing to do. You'll be in love with a woman, so in love that you can picture the wedding with a mountain and a family band made up of your children.

That sounds nice.

Papa Burgundy
It does. But, Ron, listen to me very carefully. Marriage is for suckers. It starts out nice with the companionship and the having sex but then something happens.

What, papa?

Papa Burgundy
She starts thinking for herself. She wants an equal say in everything, sometimes more.

I don't understand.

Papa Burgundy
Son, don't ever get married. Drink a lot of scotch and get with a lot of women but don't ever get married. Now, goodbye Ron.

Papa Burgundy jumps over the side of the boat.

Papa, what if she's amazing?

Papa Burgundy comes back up from the water.

Papa Burgundy
No matter what.

Papa Burgundy sinks back down and never resurfaces.


The image dissolves back to present day.


Stay away from me! I'm never getting married! Or going fishing!

Ron runs off the set.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Idea #36

Brian Fantana has a successful date with a young woman named Maddy. After some feeble attempts by Brian to get out of continuing the evening, they go back to her place. In the bedroom, Brian is clearly nervous but trying to act like his usual cool self.

So, what do you wanna do?


(nervous laughter)
And that's going to happen...all...night.

(while kissing his neck)
Good. You can do whatever you want to me.

I'm going to...cover you in oil.

(unbuttoning his shirt)
What kind of oil?

(getting into it)
Motor oil.

Where are you gonna get that oil?

(in his sexiest voice)
At the gas station we passed driving over here.

Do you like your girls slippery?

Slippery...mmmm....and flammable.

(kissing his chest)
Are you going to set me on fire with passion?

Yes, I am. Get ready for a passion fire. Call the passion fire department.

You're funny.

You're sexy.

I like that. You know what else I like?
(unbuttons his pants)
What's down here.

(pulling away)
Whoa...well...he's flattered but...uhh...he...has to get up early in the morning.

But he can get up now.

(laughs and puts shirt on)
Like an erection. You're clever. Listen, let's do this again soon.

Brian gets up and leaves a confused Maddy in her bedroom.

*Adam McKay has stated in the DVD commentary for the movie that Brian has never slept with a woman despite acting like a such a ladies man.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Idea #35

After Ron realizes that Champ is dating a "Lady Ron" and possibly ruining her life (see Idea #23), he decides it is time to have a talk with Champ.

Hey, Ron. How they hangin'?

Magnificently but that's not why I asked you here. This is a friendly environment, Champ.

I know that.

Ok, well, I wanted to talk to you about Mary.

She goes by Ron now. You know that.

Yes. Do you think its odd that she dresses like me now and you call her Ron?

I'm not following.

Ron turns around and picks up a box off his desk.

This was on my desk when I got here. It was delivered to my office by mistake. Steroids, Champ? I hope these are for you.

They're for Ron. I like my women a little hairier.

Are you in love with me and therefore, ipso facto, trying to turn Mary into me?

Her name is Ron!

Champ grabs the box and runs out in near tears. Brian walks into Ron's office shortly after.

How'd it go?

Not good. Maybe I'll have Veronica talk to Lady Ron next time.

Make it soon before Lady Ron has a thicker moustache and bigger guns than Man Ron.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Idea #34

Ron's second PSA pitch (see Idea #30):

Scene 1 - Brick, poorly dressed like an old lady, is walking through the park. He drops a candy wrapper on the ground as he waddles along. Instantly, Ron Burgundy comes running up to him and punches him in the face, knocking him down. Ron gives thumbs up to the camera.

Scene 2 - A baby stroller is idle on the sidewalk. Out of the stroller comes a rattle which lands on the ground. Instantly, Ron Burgundy bull rushes the stroller sending it tumbling down the sidewalk. A fake baby flies out of the stroller and gets run over by a bus. Ron looks surprised, then crosses his arms and nods.

Scene 3 - A man of indeterminate ethnicity is walking on the beach. He throws a can of soda down to the sand and keeps walking. Instantly, Ron Burgundy jumps in front of him holding a gun. He places the end of the gun on the man's forehead and pulls the trigger. The man takes a bit too long to react and falls down. Ron walks towards the camera.

Littering is wrong. It doesn't matter if you're an old lady, a baby, or whatever that last guy was. If you litter, you deserve to die. I'm Ron Burgundy saying, 'Don't trash the Earth or I'll trash you.' Stay classy.

Ron smiles as it fades to black.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Idea #33

With rain from the hurricane (see Idea #7) starting to fall and the "Will it float?" test for the ark (see Idea #24) somehow ending in an explosion, Brick tries one last thing. Ron and Brian go to the park to get him. They find him with about thirty umbrellas duct-taped together.

Hey, Brick, we go on the air soon.

Yeah, buddy, we need you to do the weather.

I can't. I'm very busy.

Brick tapes another umbrella to the "super umbrella."

How many umbrellas is that?

I think one thousand.

That's not right.

I lost count at five.

The people at the station are pissed that you took their umbrellas. I don't know what they're going to do when they find out what you did with them.

I'm making a big enough umbrella to block the rain for the whole city.

This is ridiculous. Why don't you just Saran Wrap the whole city?

I tried but it didn't go well.

Brick points over by a tree where the trunk is covered in Saran Wrap and a partially wrapped cat is struggling in the grass.

Brian, can you-

I'll get the cat.

Brian goes off to unwrap the cat.

Now, Brick, the best way for you to help San Diego is to report the news. That's going to be better than any horse sacrifice or ark or jum...brella.


That just came to me.

It's funny.

I know. Sometimes my brain is amazing.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Idea #32

Ron and Veronica go to their second session of couples therapy with Dr. Skinner (see Idea #27).

Dr. Skinner
Today, I'd like to focus on sacrifice. Every relationship requires some form of compromise. Ron, what would you like to see Veronica give up?

(playing an angle)
Nothing. I love everything Veronica does.

Dr. Skinner
Very supportive, Ron.

Thank you.

Dr. Skinner
Ok, Veronica, your turn. What would you like to see Ron stop doing?

I'd like to see him stop drinking scotch.


Dr. Skinner
Ron, let Veronica finish.

You drink too much.

This is absurd. I did the nice thing and said you were perfect and-

Dr. Skinner
Are you saying you lied about not wanting to change things about Veronica?

I figured that if I said she shouldn't change anything, she would-

Dr. Skinner
Ron, this is about honesty.

I see that. Brutal honesty. I'm not giving up scotch.

Dr. Skinner
Relationships are about compromise.

I don't know what that word means. Is that even a real word?
I have some things she could give up.

Doctor, these aren't going to be real things.

Yes, they are.

Dr. Skinner
Ron, are these things you are about to say things you really want Veronica to change or just a reaction to Veronica wanting you to stop drinking?

I really want her to change these things.

Dr. Skinner
Ok, Ron.

I want her to stop being a huge bitch.

I told you, Doctor.

Dr. Skinner
Ron, this is not constructive.

My back's against a wall here, Doc. I'm swinging my arms in self-defense. Give up scotch? Why don't I just stop breathing? You would love it if I stopped breathing, you harpy.

Ron crosses his arms and holds his breath.

Dr. Skinner
Ron, stop that. Breathe, Ron.

Ron violently shakes his head like a child. Ron eventually passes out.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Idea #31

Ron asks Baxter what he should do with Veronica.

Baxter, we go way back.


That's right. 1970. You came free with a suit I bought at Jenkins' Suits & Kennel. They went out of business fast.

Woof. Woof. Woof.

Ron laughs.

You did last longer than the suit. Ah, orgies. You should never dress too nicely for them. Anyway, Baxter, I need your advice on this Veronica situation.

Woof. Woof.

That's not very ni-

Woof. Woof. Woof.

I do wear the pants


I'm going to wash your mouth out with soap. Where did you learn that word? Women do not like to be called that. Probably even dog women.

Woof. Woof.

You've been watching "Super Fly" again, haven't you?

Woof. Woof. Woof.

Veronica is not The Man. Ok, there's no talking to you when you're like this.

Ron grabs his coat and heads for the door.

I needed you tonight, Baxter. I hope you know you hurt me.

Ron leaves.

Idea #30

After Ron gets his fifth ticket for littering in a public park, his heart tells him (along with the hefty fines and court order) that he should do something to stop it. Ron creates a series of Public Service Announcements against littering. This is one of the PSAs he pitched to Keep America Beautiful:

A car drives by and throws a can out the window. The can rolls to the feet of a Native American. The camera pans up to show a tear trickling down the Indian's face. A hand holding a tissue reaches into the frame. The camera pulls back to show Ron offering the tissue and patting the Indian on the shoulder.

I know, Indian. Littering is the worst thing a person can do.

The Indian wipes his tear.

Now, let's go run those bastards off the road.

Ron and the Indian jump into a car and peel off.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Idea #29

Excerpt from the Hall of Fame Induction Speech of Merlin Olsen (1982):

"...and that was my mother.

But the person who was probably the biggest influence on my life is my good friend, Ron Burgundy. I met Ron in 1969 at a charity event for kids with something wrong with them. We were sitting at a table together and we got to talking. I told him how I was thinking of quitting football and going into acting full time. I had just done a movie with John Wayne and Rock Hudson and it felt good. His face went serious and he looked me right in the eye and said, 'Merl, can I call you Merl?' I nodded. 'Merl, that movie was a piece of crap. The only reason it made any money was because it immediately followed True Grit. You need to be on the football field. What are they gonna do with a Fearsome Threesome? It sounds stupid. Don't be an idiot, Merl. Get your head on straight.' He didn't talk to me the rest of the night. He just drank his scotch. Obviously, I stayed in football and I had some of the best years of my career. I sent Ron-How many 'I'm Sorry' baskets did I send you?"

Ron shouts out from the crowd, "I think five."

"He held out but eventually he accepted and we're great friends to this day. If I could have his head sculpted to fit on the shoulder of my Hall of Fame bust like some Siamese twin and placed in that building behind me, I would. Ron Burgundy, I owe so much of this to you."

Ron shouts out from the crowd, "I'll just take that fine, gold jacket."

"It's yours.

And now a list of people that deserve no credit for me being here..."

Friday, June 20, 2008

Idea #28

Champ Kind, after getting a bit more than his usual number of cocktails in him, sneaks into Sea World after hours. As he is known to do, he heads over to the whale tank and takes his pants off. At the time, a new member of the Sea World staff was in the whale tank taking measurements and samples. Upon seeing Champ's naked lower half, the staff member got distracted and accidentally swam into a female whale's private area. While trapped inside up to his waist, the staff member swears to have seen an exact replica of Jack Murphy Stadium. No arrests were made.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Idea #27

Ron and Veronica go to couples therapy with Dr. Skinner.*

Dr. Skinner
Ron, why are you here?

Because she made me.

Dr. Skinner
Well, you came. That's a good first step. Tell me, Ron, what do you want to get out of this?

I want to go back to Pleasure Town.

Dr. Skinner
I'm sorry?

It's a magical place with unicorns and a sex rainbow. I want to go back there.

It's always the sex rainbow. Give it up, Ron.

Shut up, you She-Desert.


Dr. Skinner
Ron, why do you call her a She-Desert?

I have a thirst for her loins, Doctor. Can you blame me? But, no matter how I navigate or approach her body, she won't let me quench my thirst.

Dr. Skinner
That's very poetic, Ron.

Thank you. Plus, sometimes her legs feel like a cactus.

This is ridiculous.

You're ridiculous!

Dr. Skinner
Veronica, this is a safe place. Ron should be allowed to express himself so we can see what he feels is the problem. From what I hear, it sounds like he misses the intimacy.

I do. Intimacy is sex, right?

Dr. Skinner
It can be. Maybe for next time, you can try some new things in the bedroom to spice things up.

Like butt intimacy?

I'm driving home. You can walk.

Veronica gets up and storms out. Ron gets up and follows after her.

It was just a question. You're the one that wanted to come here.

*I envision the therapist as played by Andrew Daly who was amazing as the Tropics announcer in Semi-Pro.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Idea #26

Other Things Done By Chris Harken:

-- Traded his dad's car for a six pack of beer

-- Put a rabid squirrel in a post office mailbox

-- Set the school mascot on fire during halftime by firing a flaming arrow from 100 yards

-- Casually presented his book report while strapped with dynamite

-- UTP'd the principal's house (U = Used)

-- Murdered a hobo

-- Stole a tank and invaded Mexico

-- Led a large group of people to a settlement in Guyana which he named Harkentown

-- Went to Africa and returned to California with a monkey he saw some guy banging

-- Told Ron Burgundy that he had "bad hair"

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Idea #25

Ron reacts to footage of a two-year-old's appearance on "The Mike Douglas Show"

That was young Tiger-Am I getting that right?-Tiger Woods. Two years old. Amazing. Too bad he won't remember what will probably be his only time on television.

I like that name, Tiger.

Tiger Burgundy. It could work. Puts a lot of pressure on him in the bedroom though.


You're right. What am I saying? Burgundy men don't have problems where it counts.
Well, from all of us at World News, congratulations to Tiger Woods and you stay classy, Planet Earth.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Idea #24

With the hurricane approaching (see Idea #7) and the failure of the intended horse sacrifice (see Idea #19), Brick starts a new plan to save San Diego. When he doesn't show up for work, Ron goes to Brick's house and finds him building something out of wood.

Hey, Brick, you didn't show up for work today.

I know. I'm building this ark.

If I'm not mistaken, an ark is a boat, right?

Yup, I'm almost done.

Really? Almost done? You've nailed three two-by-fours into a triangle.

I want to save San Diego.

Brick. Sweet Brick. That's noble. It really is but I don't think all of San Diego is going to fit on your ark.

It would be tight.

Do you know how many people live in San Diego?


There's more than thirty people working at Channel 4 News.

I thought the news station was San Diego.

Then, where do you live, Brick?

I don't know. I call it Not San Diego.

Why don't I help you finish this ark so you can come to work tomorrow?

Ok, Ron, here are the blueprints I drew.

Brick hands Ron a typical rolled-up blueprint. Ron unrolls it to reveal an amazing drawing of a ship. It is intricate and full of detail as if drawn by a naval architect.

Brick, you drew these?

Brick is sanding one of the corners of the wooden triangle.

Yeah, I just can't get the front to match.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Idea #23

Brian Fantana approaches Ron about Champ's Lady Ron (see Idea #5).

I wanted to talk to you about Champ's lady friend.

Oh, she's exquisite. A real handsome woman.

That's the thing, Ron. Haven't you noticed something odd about her?

Not really. We had them over for dinner the other night and Baxter really took a shine to her.

Really? That's sweet. Ron, she looks just like you!

That's ridiculous. I have a mustache.

Sometimes she does too. He puts one on her when they do the deed.

That can't be true.

Just then, Champ walks up with Lady Ron who is in a suit and tie sporting a new haircut just like Ron's.

Hey guys.

Hi Champ.

You like Rhonda's makeover? We just had it done. I think she looks amazing.

Rhonda? I thought her name was Mary.

Her middle name's Rhonda. Ever since I found out, I just call her that. Or Ronnie. Or Ron. Ain't that right, sweetie?

Lady Ron nods.

Well, Champ. Rhonda. Brian and I have to go talk about...the-

-the non-sports or women thing.

You know I'm not interested in that. See you guys later.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Idea #22

Ron reports a recent news item.

Divers, off the coast of Virginia, have discovered the wreckage of an old, wooden ship that is believed to have brought ammunition and relief to the Union forces during the Civil War. The ship's name was the U.S.S. Diversity. This anchor would like to acknowledge the divers for their incredible discovery and add one final thing:

Friday, June 13, 2008

Idea #21

Realizing that the slandering of Wes Mantooth is not working to get Veronica back (See Idea #20), Ron tries to bring about jealousy. He shows up at work with a voluptuous, bimboish, young lady. In front of Veronica, he tells the woman to stand just off camera so he can be inspired by her beauty. She giggles and walks away, only to stand in front of the camera. Ron waves at her to move. After some time, she is next to the camera and out of the way. Ron collects himself.

That could be you.

That could never be me.

You can always get bigger boobs. I'd support that. I'd support you in anything.

I didn't mean-She's vapid, Ron.

Ron looks over at the girl confused.

Do you not know what vapid means?

Of course I do. It'

(Baffled sarcasm)
That's right, Ron. I wanted to tell you that she was German fast.

I don't see how that's relevant.

You're right. I'm sorry. You seem perfect for each other. I don't know what came over me.

Ron smiles to himself thinking it worked.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Idea #20

Still in love with Veronica and angry that she's dating, of all people, Wes Mantooth (See Idea #12), Ron sets out to get her back by slipping news items into the broadcast.

This just in: Veronica looks lovely today.

When we return: Wes Mantooth robs a liquor store.

After the break: Is Veronica Corningstone returning to her old position? Coanchor of my Heart? Stay tuned.

Scientists have found that all men named Wes have really small penises.

Wes Mantooth has the same credit rating as The Human Torch.

Wes Mantooth doesn't wash his hands after using the bathroom.

Wes Mantooth is spotted eating a reuben with russian dressing on it. Looks like someone's picking sides in the Cold War.

Wes Mantooth kicks a baby zebra at the zoo. Was this caught on tape? No, but trust me, he kicked that baby zebra right in his baby zebra nards.

Wes Mantooth took a dump on Lincoln's grave.

Wes Mantooth has the clap in two different places on his body. Doctors are baffled.

Wes Mantooth is voted Worst Man of All Time by Time Magazine.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Idea #19

Brick Tamland takes up worshipping Poseidon when he can't make sense of how a trident appeared out of nowhere during the news team rumble. Feeling his duty as a weatherman is to not only report but to stop the impending hurricane (see Idea #7), he sets out to quell Poseidon's wrath. Ron finds Brick in the parking lot outside the news studio holding a miniature pony, filling a kiddie pool with a hose, and singing a paean.

What are you doing, Brick?

I'm going to drown this horse so the storm goes away.

I don't think that's a good idea.

Do you know another way to make Poseidon happy?

Off the top of my head, you can build him a temple or have a Panhellenic festival. By the way, that kiddie pool is overflowing.

You're right. This was stupid.

Brick. Look at me. First, you really have to turn off that hose. Second, I don't know another weatherman that would resort to animal sacrifice to make it nice out. You, my friend, are great.

Thanks, Ron.

Sure thing. Now, let's go return that pony.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Idea #18

Veronica announces that gold has hit 880 dollars per ounce.

Uh oh. Looks like someone's going to have to wait longer to get that engagement ring.

You weren't going to buy me a ring.

I was too and it was going to be made out of so much gold your hand couldn't support it. You'd need a wagon for your hand but now...

A wagon huh? Was there going to be a diamond on this giant ring?

How much are diamonds?

More than gold.

No, just gold.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Idea #17

Ron Burgundy is invited to Japan to shoot a commercial for a Japanese scotch that "hits the spot." Reluctantly, Ron agrees to everything the director wants despite being repeatedly turned down for asking if he could say, "I like my scotch like I like my women: Asian." The video would also include Baxter and be modeled after the following video complete with the getting-knocked-on-your-ass reaction shot to the first sip.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Idea #16

Champ Kind, after being fired from his job as sportscaster for sexually harassing every female member of the Channel Four News staff, gets a second life as host of the new game show "Press Your Luck." Unfortunately, Champ had to leave the show because he took the contestants' shouting of "No Whammy, No Whammy, Stop!" as a personal attack, thus resulting in him physically attacking them back.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Idea #15

Brick Tamland, determined to have a really good pants party, goes to a Big and Tall shop to get pants large enough to accomodate 3 or 4 people at the same time. Brick invited everyone he knew but no one showed up to see the amazing luau enviroment he adorned the size 80 slacks with. Drunk on Aztec punch, Brick tripped over his grass skirt while moving from the right leg to the left, knocking over a tiki torch. The fire department arrived quickly to put out the pants and Brick was treated for smoke inhalation. The pants were condemned by the city for not meeting building codes.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Idea #14

Veronica announces that "Cats" will be opening on Broadway and she will let the world know how it is as she has tickets to the premiere.

Singing cats? That's not gonna last.

Well, you're coming with me.

No, I already have a dog at home. I'll watch him "perform."

Ron does the mock anchor person laugh and the show ends. Later that night, Veronica drags Ron to the show. They exit the theater and Ron is crying but trying to hide it.

Are you crying?

No, there was a lot of dander in there. I must be allergic.

I think you were touched by the story.

Ron (breaking down)
How could I not be? Grizabella was all alone in the moonlight. Nobody liked her and then they chose her at the end. Why can't people be like cats?

Ron grabs the microphone from a nearby reporter and shouts at the camera.

Everyone should see this! I wanna see it a hundred more times!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Idea #13

With his car out of fuel and stranded on the side of the road, Brian Fantana remembers something Ron said and pours the remainder of his Sex Panther cologne in the gas tank. The car proceeds to go 40 miles on only 5 ounces. Realizing the potential, Brian opens Fuel Panther. Unfortunately, the world's panther population is eliminated after two fillups. Feeling bad about causing major extinction, Brian frames the five dollar bill he got for the fillups and writes across Lincoln's face, "We'll Never Forget You, Every Panther."

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Idea #12

Ron and Veronica's on air fighting leads them to separate. One day, while walking through the park, Ron sees Veronica hand-in-hand with Wes Mantooth.

Well, if it isn't Ron Burgundy.

Mantooth. Anchor-whore.

How do you like my new girlfriend?

I don't. That's why I dumped her. I always knew you were a fan of second, Wes. I just didn't know you liked it sloppy.


Quiet, Peach Blossom. Men are talking.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Idea #11

Covering a story about the first personal computer:

The computer will cost 1795 dollars and be called the Osborne 1.

After the legendary Nebraska football coach, Tom Osborne, what an honor.

That can't be right.

Oh, yeah. Who would you name a computer after?

Probably the guy who invented it.

They should have named it after you: The Stupid Bitch 2000

Monday, June 2, 2008

Idea #10

Veronica reports that Iraq has named Saddam Hussein President of Iraq to which Ron responds, "Call it journalistic instinct but I have a good feeling about that guy."

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Idea #9

After announcing the success of the first test tube baby, Ron turns to Veronica.

Veronica, do you think it's just as hard to put a baby in a tube as it is to put one of those ships in a bottle?

Well, Ron, they don't actual-Yes, yes I do.

Amazing. But, when you and I make a baby, I want a real one, not one that goes on our mantle.

Right. In other news...